Monday, March 12, 2007

Spectacular Sunset

It was another cold and rainy day today. The rain cleared up though this afternoon. As I was walking to dinner I glanced over and saw the most beautiful sunset. The sun was shining through the clouds as it sank into the horizon. I immeidately turned around, went back to my room to get my camera. By the time I got out the back door and up on the wall, the sun had sunk almost below the horizon. I had missed the most spectacular part of the show but got a few good shots as it slipped below the horizon. Here's what I saw...


DeAnna said...

Thanks for grabbing your camera. That is beautiful. I always say that my favorite artist is Heavenly Father.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to disappoint you, but did you hear that they killed off Captain America? He was created to fight the Communists and I guess his job is done. He could've fought the Taliban...maybe someone could send you a Captian America to team up with Superman and WonderWoman?

JAGMAN said...

OK, anyone out there have a Captain America action figure they want to send me?