Sunday, April 29, 2007


Before I left Blackhorse I was helping draft the narrative to accompany the awards for many of our soldiers from Utah. I was amazed, inspired and humbled by what our guys have done. While I realize that I have made a contribution to the military legal system here, it somehow seems to pale in comparison to what some of these guys have done.

Let me share just a few examples of what our guys have been doing. All of this is in the past, so wives, you don’t need to worry. I won’t share any names as I know some of them want to remain anonymous and don’t want the attention focused on them.

So here are a couple of stories from our Utah soldiers. I’ll include some of the language from the awards narrative and then add editorial comments where appropriate.

One of our officers led over 25 combat missions and engaged the enemy on nine occasions, each time exhibiting tremendous courage under fire. I still haven’t been shot at, have not experience an IED or been subject to any discernable danger. For him to have been in nine different fire fights is beyond my limited realm of comprehension. On one of his missions an ANA vehicle suffered a rollover. The officer immediately established site security. He administered life saving first aid and coordinated the evacuation of three injured ANA soldiers. Thanks to him, these injured soldiers survived.

Another soldier came under rocket attack and while some may say fooheartedly, he left the safety of his bunker to make sure his ANA were all safe and accounted for.

Another soldier spent two weeks living out of a humvee while they conducted missions to keep the enemy in check. So here they are coming under fire, defending a key location, eating, sleeping, conducting missions around the clock, doing everything that needed to be done, all out of a humvee.

Other soldiers lived out of foxholes dug into the ground, living like that for weeks on end.

Most of our downrange guys engaged the enemy on more than one occasions, receiving fire and returning fire.

And these are just the few that I’m aware of. I know that some of our soldiers have been wounded in action, have displayed tremendous courage under fire, have lived like animals, have worked their butts off. All while I was comfortably living at Blackhorse making sure that the legal system worked well.

Like I said, I realize that I have made significant contributions in my own way but when I read what these guys have done I feel a small tinge of regret. I’m not sure if anyone who hasn’t been here can understand what I’m saying but suffice it to say, they’re the real heroes in my book.

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